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Buffalo Grass


Baileys Fertiliser


13 April 2023

Buffalo grass is known for being able to handle the harsh heat and drought conditions that Perth can experience. It is also able to tolerate the occasional winter frost.
Buffalo turf has wide leaf blades that give it a distinctive appearance. The leaf blades are typically dark green in colour, which gives the lawn a lush, vibrant look.

Why choose Buffalo grass in Perth

  • Buffalo is relatively low maintenance compared to other types of lawn. It is a slow-growing grass that requires less mowing and watering than other types of grass.
  • Buffalo is well adapted to drought conditions. This makes it an excellent choice for those who want to conserve water in Perth's dry climate.
  • Buffalo has a soft texture that feels comfortable underfoot. This makes it a great choice for families with children who want to play on the lawn.
  • Buffalo is relatively resistant to pests and diseases, which means that it requires fewer chemicals and pesticides to maintain than other types of grass.

Tips to maintain Buffalo grass in Perth

Buffalo should be mowed regularly during the growing season, which typically runs from spring to autumn. The ideal mowing height for buffalo grass in Perth is between 40mm to 60mm. Never remove more than one-third of the blade length at a time.

Buffalo is drought-tolerant, but it still requires regular watering during hot, dry spells. Water deeply and infrequently, allowing the soil to dry out slightly between watering sessions. In Perth, it is recommended to water buffalo grass twice a week during the summer months and once a week during the winter months.

Buffalo is relatively resistant to weeds, but it is still important to keep an eye out for any unwanted plants. Hand-pull weeds as soon as you notice them or use a targeted herbicide that is safe for buffalo grass.

Over time, soil can become compacted and prevent the grass roots from accessing water and nutrients. Use a garden fork or mechanical aerator to loosen the soil and promote healthy root growth. Aerate your lawn once every one to two years.

Buffalo is relatively resistant to pests, but some insects like armyworms and sod webworms can cause damage. If you notice signs of insect damage, use a targeted insecticide that is safe for buffalo grass.

Products to use on Buffalo grass in Perth

Buffalo needs fertilising little and often, Turfect Energy is a complete, 3-in-1 fertiliser. Containing a fusion of fast and slow-release nutrients, soil improvers and bio-stimulants in the one, easy to apply mini granule. Apply 30 - 50g/m2, every 6 - 8 weeks.

Buffalo also responds well to liquid feeding, apply Turfect Grow every 3-4 weeks, a premium foliar fertiliser and inoculant for excellent growth and colour maintenance in all seasons. Provides all essential turf nutrients and soil stimulants for year-round vigor. Add 100ml to 1L of water and apply over 20-30m?

Apply your first application of wetting agent for the season in early Spring - vital on WA's sandy, hydrophobic soils. Baileys Grosorb is available as a liquid or a mini prill granule and should be applied at a rate of 50g/m2 or 50ml/m2. Apply again in Autumn.

Popular Types of Buffalo

  • Sir Walter is a popular variety of buffalo turf that is known for its drought tolerance and low maintenance requirements. It has a soft texture and a lush, dark green colour.
  • Palmetto is a warm-season variety of buffalo turf that is popular for its shade tolerance and pest resistance. It has a fine texture and a medium green colour.
  • Matilda is a low maintenance variety of buffalo turf that is known for its drought tolerance and resistance to wear and tear. It has a soft texture and a medium green colour.
  • Sapphire is a high-quality variety of buffalo turf that is known for its fine texture and deep green colour. It is resistant to drought and wear and tear, making it a popular choice for high-traffic areas.
  • Shademaster is a shade-tolerant variety of buffalo turf that is ideal for lawns that receive partial shade. It has a medium texture and a dark green colour.

 Overall, buffalo grass is an excellent choice for those who want a low maintenance, drought tolerant, and pest-resistant lawn that can handle Perth's climate.
