Gardening Calendar

Browse our monthly calendar for advice on what to plant, prune, and feed each month. 

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Gardening calendar November 2025

With Christmas around the corner, now's the time to get busy planting up some colour, mulching garden beds and maintaining the lawn so the house looks great for the festive season. Outdoors, plant out summer annuals like petunias by the tray-full to liven up any garden situation. Early summer is also a great time to plant sun loving veggies and tropical plants that thrive in the heat.



Flowers & Ornaments

  • Flowering seedlings to plant now include vinca, petunia, amaranthus, celosia, cosmos, gerbera, marigold, rudbeckia, snapdragon, sunflower, portulaca and zinnia.
  • Pot in Baileys Premium Potting Mix or enrich garden beds with Baileys Soil Improver Plus before planting.
  • Early summer is a great time to plant tropical and subtropical plants that thrive in the heat. Bougainvillea and frangipani are good examples.


Vegetables & Herbs

  • Seedlings or seeds to plant now include varieties that soak up the sun such as tomato, zucchini, squash, sweet corn, runner beans, capsicum, chilli, pumpkin, okra and cucumber. For something different try growing spaghetti melon.
  • Growing salad lettuce makes sense as these are the mainstay of our summer eating. Become adventurous in your choices as there are many types you can grow. Remember lettuce need lots of watering in summer to thrive. This makes them great value for hydroponic and aquaponic systems. Try growing a salad bowl near the kitchen with half a dozen different varieties including the cut-and-come-again types.
  • Pot into Baileys Veg & Herb Premium Planting Mix or refresh your veggie patch with Baileys Soil Improver Plus. 



  • Time to plant passionfruit. Try the two tropical varieties now available - Panama Gold and Panama Red. 
  • All tropical fruits - such as avocado, mango and lychee are best planted now so they can get up to 6 months of warm to hot weather to establish. 
  •  If you're short on space grow in pots filled with Baileys Premium Potting Mix or improve sandy soils with Baileys Soil Matters Clay & Compost and plant in-ground.


Garden Beds

  • If planting a new garden or just a bed, look to grey leaf plants to save water in the future. The grey or silver colour enables plants to reflect the sun's heat away and it is a common trick employed by desert plants.
  • Amend the soil with generous quantities of Baileys Clay & Compost (for sandy soils) or Soil Improver Plus



Flowers & Ornamentals




Pot Plants

  • Indoor plants may have suffering from a degree of neglect in your house as a result of the cool season where little growth takes place. Re-potting will give them a new lease of life. Use a top of the line mix such as Baileys Indoor Premium Potting Mix. 
  • Feed with an organically enriched fertiliser such as Baileys Soil Matters Garden.



  • Give your lawn a boost now it's hitting peak growing season with a high nitrogen fertiliser such as Baileys Brilliance and start a regular program of feeding every 6-8 weeks if you haven't already done so.
  • Between granular feeds, liquid fertiliser sprayed on the turf leaf (known as foliar feeding) can be utilised to deepen and extend colour and take your lawn to the next level. Try Baileys new Tufect Green Plus or Turfect Rapid Green and enjoy noticeable results within 6 hours! For more information on Foliar feeding and the New Turfect Range read our Blog - New Turfect Range. 
  • If you missed your application of Grosorb wetting agent in October, apply this month to make the most of irrigation and prevent run-off and dry-patch as the weather warms up.