
SKU: L2002


SIZE:   20lt, 200lt and 1000lt

Baileys Humic12 is a liquid fertiliser consisting of humic acid, which improves nutrient uptake, retains nutrients and water and improves soil structure. Supplies carbon and organics back into the soil and encourgaes the development of sooil micro-organisms. Humates are a practical way of controlling nitrogen loss and adding carbon to the soil profile. Humates provide the charged surface (carbon) for nutrients to latch onto.


  • Improves nutrient uptake and retention.
  • Improves availability of trace elements especially iron, manganese and zinc which can be a major issue in high pH calcareous soils.
  • Increases cation exchange capacity.
  • Improves the soil pH buffering capacity.
  • Improves moisture retention.
  • Encourages and stimulates soil micro-organisms.
  • Supplies carbon and organics.
  • Increases water infiltration through the stable inter-aggregate pore spaces.
  • Improves soil structure on sandy soils.
  • Humic acid helps with protein synthesis, photosynthesis and plant enzyme activity.
  • Can be used for both foliar and fertigation.